Sunday 15 November 2009

the ideal job

I think the ideal job not exist, because this depends entirely on the tastes of peoples, in itself, are very differents.

Considering this, the best job for me would be related to animals, I would not be good for another job. And if I work in any other job would not be happy.

Specifically, I love to work with horses, are so great, their behavior, their anatomy, their all! I want to work at the Riding Club or the racecourse or any place with horses :D! and other work that is very interesting to me is a work in a zoo. This would be so exciting, I love it. Could learn animal lives so different from those that I know and I'm so used, such as dogs and cats. I love animals too but not so fascinate like watching a lion or an okapi, or penguins make their lives, in spite of being in captivity, I think "is the only way to have a full knowledge of them", but if there is a possibility of having them in the wild would be better.

This work would be perfect for me. which sometimes requires a dose of adrenaline, in some moments of my life. =D!

Wednesday 11 November 2009

My favorite website

I do not have a favorite website, because I use many. But, I think that use constantly a website, depends on the stage of life where we are. for exmaple, when I was between ten and fourteen wont connect me to I loved the page :D!, all playing days, spent hours and hours online .Even though I see it. Is like my guilty pleasure.

After, of the fourteen onwards , I have many favorite sites, but none more than another. Between these sites might mention but never as fanatical as the first website above. Always check this website because I like to look and listen to songs from my favorite bands :D..

And at this time all the time I am visiting, because this page is very entertaining, especially applications that have invented a lot of idle people. I also like many games available to this site, especially those related to farms or zoos.