Wednesday 11 November 2009

My favorite website

I do not have a favorite website, because I use many. But, I think that use constantly a website, depends on the stage of life where we are. for exmaple, when I was between ten and fourteen wont connect me to I loved the page :D!, all playing days, spent hours and hours online .Even though I see it. Is like my guilty pleasure.

After, of the fourteen onwards , I have many favorite sites, but none more than another. Between these sites might mention but never as fanatical as the first website above. Always check this website because I like to look and listen to songs from my favorite bands :D..

And at this time all the time I am visiting, because this page is very entertaining, especially applications that have invented a lot of idle people. I also like many games available to this site, especially those related to farms or zoos.

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